Turn criticism into collaboration through communication!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Ideas for Collaboration

PLAN: Ideas for Collaboration in PLANNING instruction & assessment:
  1. Map the school curriculum, including the curric for ELL, onto the WIDA standards.
  2. Cross-reference, integrate or link WIDA standards with state academic content standards.
  3. Create strands of MPIs to match or augment curriculum or target instruction.
  4. Co-develop thematic units of instruction and model lessons.
  5. Formulate language objectives from the ELL standards and content objectives from the state standards.
  6. Plan common formative assessments at grade levels or grade level clusters. Take formative assessments created by LA and differentiate for ELL levels.
  7. Differentiate language instructions using MAP data and WIDA levels.
  8. Plan family involvement and community outreach about ELL services and needs.
DO: Ideas for Collaboration in INSTRUCTION and ASSESSMENT:
  1. Co-teach activities, tasks, and projects
  2. Collect exemplars of student work and interpret the samples with common rubrics
  3. Develop a common grading scheme based on students ELL proficiency and academic performance

STUDY: Ideas for Collaboration in EVALUATING student results:
  1. Create standards-based reporting forms
  2. Interpret results from ACCESS for ELLs, MAP, PAWS, and district assessments
  3. Create and use a common set of criteria for grading ELLs. What modifications are standardized. How do grades reflect these modifications?
  4. Use information to develop and coordinate the language education program for ELLs.

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