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Monday, September 28, 2009

Quick Understanding

What are the 5 different types of coteaching? Consider when each is appropriate.

Another view:

Co-Teaching Models Reference Sheet

One Teaching/One Observing

This model allows one teacher to teach the lesson, and the other teacher to conduct careful student observations and systematic documentation of those observations. This allows both teachers to gain a very sophisticated understanding of their students’ academic, behavioral, and social functioning, relative to the lesson and the dynamics of the classroom community.

One Lead Teach/One Support Teach

This model encourages one teacher to assume the lead role in the teaching while the other teacher supports individual students (or small groups) in the classroom during instruction. Teachers can even trade off this role at different points in the same lesson in order for students (and teachers!) to avoid seeing one of you as the “real” teacher and one of you as the “aide.”

Station Teaching

This model encourages the teachers to each take responsibility for planning and teaching a portion of the instructional content. Students move from one station to another for work with each teacher. Stations can also include independent work, peer tutoring, or parent-led activities. Each station constitutes its own lesson with unique goals and objectives, even if all of the stations are working together under a Big Idea (an overall learning goal that ties together all of the station lessons).

Parallel Teaching

In this model teachers plan and teach the same exact lesson at the same time, but to two different groups of children. This can be helpful in reducing the teacher-student ratio for lessons where you want to strengthen your ability to assess each student’s understanding, for example.

Alternative Teaching

This model recognizes that at times some children require different instruction than the larger group. Sometimes this may mean that small(er) group instruction is used to “pre-teach” a concept, to “re-teach” a concept, to provide enrichment, or to conduct an authentic assessment. Sometimes this can look like parallel teaching, but is not considered as such since all of the children are not engaged in the same lesson.

Team Teaching

This is a more generic term that describes teachers who plan collaboratively and share in the instruction of all students. It can incorporate multiple forms of co-teaching.

Advice from Field Advisors: Try to avoid identifying your co-teaching in your lesson plans as “team teaching” unless it truly does not reflect the other models. In this course we are looking for you to demonstrate experimenting with as many forms of co-teaching as possible that demonstrate your ability to effectively respond to the needs of your students, so go for it!

Video examples of the different types of coteaching:

*from BYU!

*Complete with a little quiz - check for understanding!

This rubric helps to determine how well coteaching is working.

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